Saturday, 12 September 2009

Digital Acoustic Cartography

A Digital Acoustic Cartography is one method to locate sound. It can be thought as an interactive experiment in mapping sonic events into a visual language. These experiments are done by using a "acoustic camera", developed by the Society For The Promotion of Applied Informatics (GFaI) in Berlin, Germany. The acoustic and photogarhpic images are analyzed by Processing. Which is a programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animations, and interactions. The main purpose for Processing is for learning, prototyping, and production. Once a color spectrum has been processed it is used as a distortion matrix to warp the original picture into a three-dimensional relief.

This technology is used for a variety of industrial manufactures such as the automobile, airplanes, trains, and wind turbines.

With the process of the digital Acoustic Cartography, a acoustic camera is used to pick up sound frequencies and depict them as thermal (visual) interpretation. This reading becomes layered with data and the actual image of the object. This visual representation is typically used to reduce noise in the location(s) that need improving. However, can this be used as a means to analyze sound and it's use becomes more interactive?

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