The Hanky Code
At least to some degree, the hanky code has been used by the gay community as a means of indicating personal sexual interests. The hankies are put in either the right or left pockets, generally indicating top or bottom, while the color indicates type of sex.
Skinhead Bootlaces
There are four different levels of skinhead, and each has a corresponding boot lace color. Black is the beginner phase, rookie. White means "white power" as well as having earned the right to be called a skinhead. Red is the next phase and signifies that a skinhead has "drawn blood", ie murdered or attempted murder. Yellow/Gold is the next phase which symbolizes anarchy or assaulting a law enforcement official.

Patches are displays of sexual deviance as observed by more senior members in the gang.
Golden: Participation in a gang bang involving more than 15 men.
White: Performing oral sex on a white woman.
Red: Performing oral sex on a menstruating woman.
Black: Performing oral sex on a black woman.
Yellow: Performing oral sex on an Asian woman.
Green: Performing oral sex on a woman infested with insects (crabs, scabies, etc.).
Purple: Performing oral sex on a dead woman.
Brown: Performing oral-anal on a woman.
Blue & Yellow: Having sex with a policewoman.
Eightball: Anal sex with a man in front of other Hells Angels.
Crosses are worn as an earring, patch, or pin.
White Crosses: Earned for digging up graves, taking things from the corpse(s), and wearing the items with their Hells Angels colors/patches/pins/crap.
Red Crosses: Performing fellation on another man in front of other Hells Angels.
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