The project takes as a starting point Brussels' 145 m high Dexia Tower, from which 4200 windows can be individually color-enlightened by RGB-led bars. For the next months the weather.tower project, part of the series who's_afraid_of_RGB, will forecast tomorrow's weather for Brussels, in collaboration with the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium.
The project displays tomorrow's temperature, cloudiness, precipitations, and wind, by using colors and geometrical patterns to visualize/transcribe these real-time provided data by the RMI.
A color-code corresponds to tomorrow's temperature compared to the monthly average, linked to a scale of color-temperatures ranging from violet ( -6° or colder ), blue ( -4° ), cyan ( -2° ), green ( monthly average ), yellow ( 2° ), orange ( 4° ) to red ( 6° or warmer ).
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