Thursday, 10 September 2009

Brain Wave Game - Mindflex

Mattel has developed a game that uses brainwaves in order to play a game that involves a foam blue ball and an obstacle course. The game allows the user different challenges, and a robotic female voice informs them when the challenge starts. The course has a a circular track and various obstacles, along with a knob that turns the motorized fan around the track that carries the ball. The activation or deactivation of the fan is triggered by the headset which reads brain waves. The headset senses concentration and relaxation (theta-wave activity). The game is sold at toy stores for a retail price of $80.

Brain Waves
  • The brain is mapped with the use of EEG (Electro Encephalogram. By being able to map the brain researchers have been able to study the electrical activity of the brain. Brain waves are categorized into five distinct brain waves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.
  • Delta is present during sleep. It is beneficial for healing and regeneration.

  • Theta is present during deep relaxation and meditation.

  • Alpha is typically involved with a lighter relaxed state. Supposedly, during Alpha specifically at (7.8Hz) we are resonating at the same frequency as the eearth is.

  • Beta is usually present in normal, wakeful activities

  • Gamma is involved with connecting up the entire brain when we download, learn and process information.

Mattel, the same company that came out with Barbi and Hot wheels have used new technologies to develop a game that takes the idea of the frequency outputs of our brain and apply it to a futuristic game of mouse trap.

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